[Producer Director Toni Harman Photo]
So excited to have filmmaker Toni Harman coming to the International Cesarean Awareness Network’s (ICAN) Speaker Series. The date is set for November 21, 2013 @ 11am PST and 7pm UK Standard Time where Toni lives. To register, please email speakerhost (at) ican-online (dot) org (that’s me!). This speaker series is a membership benefit for ICAN members. Please join ICAN to attend this FREE event and support a “moms helping moms” organization all year long!
Check out her free web version of her film. A 15 minute abridged version of the full length documentary FREEDOM FOR BIRTH about violations of women’s rights in childbirth.
Freedom for Birth
Toni Harman is a British filmmaker turned birth warrior.
Toni trained at the London Film School and after graduating, she worked for fifteen years as a Film Producer /Director making factual programmes and documentaries.
After the difficult birth of her daughter six years ago (four failed inductions and then an emergency c-section), Toni realized she could use her skills as a filmmaker to try to help make birth better around the world.
Together with her partner Alex Wakeford, Toni has travelled across Europe, Canada and the US filming interviews with the world’s leading birth experts – including Ina May Gaskin, Michel Odent, Sheila Kitzinger plus over one hundred academics, scientists, lawyers, researchers, midwives, obstetricians, doulas, campaigners, educators and parents.
Toni and Alex founded ONE WORLD BIRTH and started releasing free short educational videos via their website (http://oneworldbirth.net) and also produced a documentary about doulas called DOULA! (http://doulafilm.com).
In 2012, Toni and Alex released their latest film FREEDOM FOR BIRTH, a 60 minute campaigning documentary about how women’s rights are routinely being violated. As a consequence, many women are having interventions and c-sections they don’t need. Midwives around the world are being persecuted, some even criminally prosecuted and imprisoned.
FREEDOM FOR BIRTH premiered in over 1,100 screenings in 50 countries in 17 languages and was seen by over 100,000 people across the world – all on one day. The film’s release made headlines around the world and helped kickstart a global birth revolution propelling human rights in childbirth into the mainstream.http://freedomforbirth.com
As well as making a follow-up documentary to Freedom For Birth, Toni and Alex are busy making their next documentary looking at the science of childbirth which will be released internationally in 2014.
To connect with Toni, come join our One World Birth Facebook page http://facebook.com/oneworldbirth or follow Toni on Twitter @oneworldbirth.